Bharadwaja, also spelled Bharadwaaj ( Sanskrit: भारद्वाज, IAST: ), was one of the greatest Hindu sages ( Maharṣis) descendant of Sage (Ṛṣi) Aṅgirasā, whose accomplishments are detailed in the Purāṇas. He is one of the Saptaṛṣis (Seven Great Sages or Rishis) in the present Manvantara; with others being Atri, Vasiṣṭha, Viswamitra, Gautama, Jamadagni, Kaśyapa.
Bharadvāja Bārhaspatya is the progenitor of the Bhāradvāja family and the family is attributed as the composers of Sixth Maṇḍala of the Ṛgveda. Maṇḍala 6 is known as the Bhāradvāja Family Book as all its 75 hymns are composed by members of this family over several centuries. He is believed to be a contemporary of King Bhārata. Maharṣi Bharadvāja and his descendants were respected and powerful priests-like ṛṣi of several clans/dynasties of the Puru tribe, such as the Bhāratas and the Pañcālas.
Sage Bharadvāja was a sage of the Vedic times. He attained extraordinary scholarship. He had the great power of meditation. His Āśrama still exists at the holy Prayag (Allahabad).
Bharadwaja was also the father of Guru Droṇācārya and grandfather of Aśvatthāma from the epic Mahābhārata. His grandson rishi Aśvatthāma or otherwise called Drauni, will become one of the Saptarishi in next Manvantara. Bhardvāja or Bharadwaja is one of the most exalted gotras (family lineages) of the Brahmin caste. Brahmins with Bharadwaja gotra use Bharadwaja as their Lastname.