'Bhanashivara / ''भानसहिवरा ''' is a panchayat village in Nevasa tehsil of Ahmednagar district in the Indian state of Maharashtra. Bhanashivara comes under the Nevasa Vidhan Sabha constituency and Shirdi Lok sabha constituency. Pincode of Bhanashivara is 414609. Bhanashivara is located on Nevasa-Shevgaon district highway no. 44. Village is both side surrounded by forest area of Nagapur and Mali-Chinchora.
It is 5 km away from Nevasa phata which is middle point of Ahmednagar and Aurangabad City. It's nearer popular pilgrims are Nevasa - Sant Dnyaneshwar temple, Devgad, Shani-Shingnapur.