Bhajanpura is a residential area in the North East District of Delhi, India, from Shahdara and from old Delhi railway station. It is highly populated and is in the Trans Yamuna area. It is around from North campus and from ISBT Kashmiri Gate, Shastri Park Metro Station (First Depot of Delhi Metro, built here) and currently used for commercial activities and well suited place for residential purpose.
A Sonia Vihar power plant is recently being built in Bhjanpura. There are few major attractions in this location, but it is a well-suited area because of the nearby interstate bus terminal, railway station and educational institutions like Lal Bhadur Shastri college affiliated with Delhi University from there and Northern Indian Engineering college affiliated with I.P. University is also from there.
The main landmark of Bhajanpura is Bhajanpura Chowk, which is very busy all time. There are various blocks in Bhajanpura such as A,B,C,D etc. and every street is given a number.
Unlike its neighborhood Yamuna VIhar , Bhajanpura is not well planned with no parks at all making it a congested place.
Interesting fact is that Bhajanpura is actually Block A of Yamuna Vihar (as per the locals).