adj. too obvious to be doubted [syn: beyond doubt(p), indubitable]
Beyond Doubt is a science fiction story written by Robert A. Heinlein, originally printed in Astonishing Stories in April 1941 under the pen name "Lyle Monroe and Elma Wentz".
It was published again in 1984 as by Heinlein in Election Day 2084: Science Fiction Stories on the Politics of the Future (edited by Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg), and posthumously in 2005 in the Heinlein collection Off the Main Sequence.
Usage examples of "beyond doubt".
In fact he knew beyond doubt that he had never copulated with Gretchen and knew with equal certainty that he had left no sperm in any donor bank anywhere/when.
Because if there is one thing that the Time Machine has demonstrated to us that is beyond doubt, it is that this new scientific universe of millions of years of time-to-come is a transcendent realm of wonder.
It is, beyond doubt, the wildest, most hopelessly insane scheme I ever put forth.
It was now beyond doubt that Marfa Strogoff's son, the Czar's courier, was at this moment in Zabediero, among Ivan Ogareff's prisoners.
Opening the outer hatchway was beyond doubt an invitation that anybody would certainly understand.
He hadn't thought of it that way before, but now it seemed true beyond doubt.
Peering carefully through the gloom, he established beyond doubt that the group to which he had been assigned in the rehearsals did not contain a bogus Lord Umpily.
Though his apathy of disposition prevented his taking any means to recommend himself to the Lady Rowena, he was, nevertheless, by no means insensible to her charms, and considered his union with her as a matter already fixed beyond doubt by the assent of Cedric and her other friends.
I recognized it beyond doubt as being a lethal thermo-impulse beamer.
They'd really had him going there for a minute, but now he knew beyond doubt that this was all an elaborate hoax staged by Chekov.
Whereas Grebe and Bachem (Bonn), as a result of their own measurements and those of Evershed and Schwarzschild on the cyanogen bands, have placed the existence of the effect almost beyond doubt, while other investigators, particularly St.
By now I was truly apprehensive, and thereupon I set about a systematic search of the roof until I had covered every square foot of it and was convinced beyond doubt that the worst of disasters had befallen me –.