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a. Having whiskers


adj. having hair on the cheeks and chin [syn: bearded, barbate, whiskered, whiskery]

Usage examples of "bewhiskered".

Carreigh Macumail asked, dismay written across his bewhiskered countenance.

Hrolf's eyes dropped to Fyodor's dark sword, and a flicker of disappointment crossed his bewhiskered face.

The young lieutenant commanding the outpost, bewhiskered and shaky-voiced, said that Pasternak's patrol had arrived just in time to chase off the raiders.

Here in Africa he sees no exulting victors, but bewhiskered hollow-eyed youngsters, sunk in deep fatigue and on a nervous edge.

His bewhiskered pal Yudi Korff, a year older and also the son of a general, is on his feet, struggling to put on a sweater.

A stupidly belligerent expression marked the man's bewhiskered and dirt-crusted face.

The bewhiskered freighter said he didn't mind if Zach rode along with them, but he didn't invite any idle conversation.

When the trap opened and a bewhiskered and heavy-eyed face peered down, Holmes finally delivered the curtain speech to our nighttime saga:cf1"22IB Baker Street, my good man, with all possible speed.

The whole busy scene was dominated by a huge chair on an upraised section of the floor in which sat the bewhiskered Chu San Fu.

When the trap opened and a bewhiskered and heavy-eyed face peered down, Holmes finally delivered the curtain speech to our nighttime saga: "221B Baker Street, my good man, with all possible speed.

The hos­pitals were filled with dirty, bewhiskered, verminous men who smelled terribly and bore on their bodies wounds hideous enough to turn a Christian’s stomach.

Rhett always vowed he knew nothing about them and accused her, in a very unre­fined way, of having a secret admirer, usually the bewhiskered Grandpa Merriwether.

Sharp, to meet a gruff, bewhiskered individual, with a voice like a crosscut saw, and a rolling gait.

Susan said to the bemused bewhiskered faces of two otters that Lutris approached.