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n. (plural of betrayer English)

Usage examples of "betrayers".

Seven hells for failed faith, For Land's betrayers, man and wraith: And one brave Lord to deal the doom To keep the blacking blight from Beauty's bloom.

There they stood under the stern sky, twenty-five souls singing like witnesses: Seven hells for failed faith, For Land's betrayers, man and wraith: And one brave Lord to deal the doom To keep the blacking blight from Beauty's bloom.

If you must cast blame, cast it upon a-Jeroth, who incurred the just wrath of the Master-and upon the ancient betrayers, Berek and his ilk, who leagued with a-Jeroth.

The builders, betrayers, startled by this strangeness from the sky, sprang up the rocks preparing to defend, to fetch greater weapons, but the sound intervened.

Even betrayers could be betrayed, after all, a sudden turning of the knife in the hand.