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n. (plural of betrayal English)

Usage examples of "betrayals".

He sensed the deliberateness of that annoying sound, reading the way he'd been trained in the Underground the subtle betrayals in Svengaard's manner.

Potter found himself oddly recognizing the markers of her genetic cut, reassured by the touch of humanity in these tiny betrayals.

He looked up now as a new and partial Cyborg, read the subtle betrayals in Optiman flesh.

Harvey weighed Svengaard's grin, read the emotional betrayals on the man's face.

He sensed the deliberateness of that annoying sound, reading the way he'd been trained in the Underground the subtle betrayals in Svengaard's manner.

Potter found himself oddly recognizing the markers of her genetic cut, reassured by the touch of humanity in these tiny betrayals.

He looked up now as a new and partial Cyborg, read the subtle betrayals in Optiman flesh.

Orphans and spellbound princes, betrayals and sacrifices, evil intent and lost loves.

The desert and the jackals of Jacurutu with their overdoses of melange and their constant betrayals.

The harm of his complicity in Holt's betrayals wasn't so easily dismissed.

Nevertheless it was better than staying with Nick: supporting his crimes, enabling his betrayals, while he scorned her for the simple reason that she couldn't heal the wounds Sorus Chatelaine had cut into him.

Akhlaur remembered the creation of that great artifact, the friends who had shared in its shaping-and the betrayals that had led to his exile.

The small betrayals add up," Tzigone said, her usually merry voice troubled.

Liriel had suffered many betrayals in her young life, but none had come upon her more unexpectedly than this.

When one thinks of the lies and betrayals of those years, the cynical abandonment of one ally after another, the imbecile optimism of the Tory press, the flat refusal to believe that the dictators meant war, even when they shouted it from the housetops, the inability of the moneyed class to see anything wrong whatever in concentration camps, ghettos, massacres and undeclared wars, one is driven to feel that moral decadence played its part as well as mere stupidity.