vb. (en-archaic third-person singular of: betoken)
Usage examples of "betokeneth".
But this I say, that I did dream of bees and of following them, which betokeneth gain or profit.
For I did dream of gold, which betokeneth success in our present undertaking, and success ever resteth on good care and good judgment.
By Tantalus that stands in the midst of the floud Eridan, having before him a tree laden with pleasant apples, he being neverthelesse always thirsty and hungry, betokeneth the insatiable desires of covetous persons.
For the way on the right hand betokeneth the highway of our Lord Jesu Christ, and the way of a good true good liver.
The white fowl betokeneth a gentlewoman, fair and rich, which loved thee paramours, and hath loved thee long.
Sir, said the philosopher, the dragon that thou dreamedst of betokeneth thine own person that sailest here, and the colours of his wings be thy realms that thou hast won, and his tail which is all to-tattered signifieth the noble knights of the Round Table.