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Beste may refer to:

  • Beste (Turkish music), a vocal genre in Ottoman classical music
Beste (Turkish music)

The beste is a vocal genre in Ottoman classical music. It was a movement of the fasıl, or suite.

Beste was one of the main forms of fasil (along with semâ'î), and its lyrics came from the Ottoman Turkish language poetry forms gazel and murabba.

Usage examples of "beste".

Hij begreep dat Masao Yanoguchi onder druk werd gezet om op de uitgaven te bezuinigen, omdat de mijnbouw op de maan tenslotte toch op niets leek uit te gaan draaien, en de beste manier om te bezuinigen was het uitschakelen van mensen in het proces.

Impulsief had hij besloten op de eerste de beste open plek te landen in plaats van op de vlakte die Marc had aangewezen.

Schale frische Milch hingestellt hat und von allem das Beste, habe ich ihr die Probe stets erspart.

For three days we battled, his arts against mine, and when done, he had bested me.

The crowd shouted its enthusiastic approval of the contest, for never had a group of fighters bested a harulth without losing at least five times as many men.

Had I not bested, then befriended Rhuagh, you would never have survived in the mines of Mac Mordain Cadal.

As help me God, I was a lusty oon, And faire, and riche, and yong, and wel bigon, And trewely, as myne housbondes tolde me, I hadde the beste quonyam myghte be.

Thenne comaunded the lorde in that sale to samen alle the meny, Bothe the ladyes on loghe to ly3t with her burdes Bifore alle the folk on the flette, freke3 he beddez Verayly his venysoun to fech hym byforne, And al godly in gomen Gawayn he called, Teche3 hym to the tayles of ful tayt bestes, Schewe3 hym the schyree grece schorne vpon rybbes.

Up peril of my soule, and of my lyf, I conseille yow the beste, I wol nat lye, That bothe of colere and of malencolye Ye purge yow.

Quand le pourceau demy homme on verra: Bruit chant, bataille au ciel batre apperceu, Et bestes brutes à parler lon orra.

Ihm war, als hätte ihm jemand das Beste gestohlen und er hätte nichts davon gemerkt.

And sythe the sayd Incarnacyon haue ben the noble crysten men stalled and admytted thorugh the vnyuersal world to the nombre of the ix beste and worthy, of whome was fyrst the noble Arthur, whose noble actes I purpose to wryte in this present book here folowyng.