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vb. (en-past of: bespell)

Usage examples of "bespelled".

Put that same spell caster inside the sithen, inside faerie, with no damper of metal and technology on them, and your officers would be in even greater danger of being bespelled.

The collars were made elsewhere, then sent to a wizard to be bespelled.

The bespelled collar must make him think he is so powerful he can turn loyalties with ease.

And that provided a kind of answer to why the guards were both bespelled and gagged and bound.

Tight black curls framed his swarthy-skinned face and fell to his shoulders, hiding his ears although those were bespelled by illusion into the stupid round ears of a human.

It would then send the changeling, now wearing Harry's clothing, out to Harry's guards, who must be bespelled not to notice the exchange, and drive out of the gates as innocent as an angel.

Then he hurried inside, but the shield he had set over FitzRoy showed no sign of tampering and the sleeping nurse was simply sleeping, not bespelled.

He very nearly refused when Denoriel gave him three bottles, although he did not know, of course, that they were bespelled to keep anything within in stasis.

Denoriel found a small white cat and bespelled it to love Mistress Bethany—who had graduated from FitzRoy's nurse to mender and caretaker of His Grace's undergarments—reason enough to be in His Grace's bedchamber whenever he wanted the only mother he had ever known.

In only a few minutes Harry's guards and Dunstan and Ladbroke had mastered their horses and formed up around their charge—only it was Reeve, bespelled to look like Harry.

He was cold and hollow, as he had not been since Mwynwen bespelled him.

If the dog or the collar are bespelled to her hurt, we could be blamed.

The collar is indeed bespelled, but no blame will attach to the Unseleighe Court even if it is detected.

He still did not like the idea of a bespelled mortal coming so near Elizabeth, who was dangerously sensitive, but he also wished he had not awakened more suspicion in Vidal Dhu.

The men showed no horror over his disintegrating body—the woman never saw it, for she had been bespelled to see only her duke's wasting form.