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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Besot \Be*sot"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Besotted; p. pr. & vb. n. Besotting.] To make sottish; to make dull or stupid; to stupefy; to infatuate.

Fools besotted with their crimes.


vb. (present participle of besot English)

Usage examples of "besotting".

But since the mind itself, though naturally capable of reason and intelligence is disabled by besotting and inveterate vices not merely from delighting and abiding in, but even from tolerating His unchangeable light, until it has been gradually healed, and renewed, and made capable of such felicity, it had, in the first place, to be impregnated with faith, and so purified.

She admired Kit Ines for his valour: she hated that ruinous and besotting drink.