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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Besotted \Be*sot"ted\, a. Made sottish, senseless, or infatuated; characterized by drunken stupidity, or by infatuation; stupefied. ``Besotted devotion.''
--Sir W. Scott. -- Be*sot"ted*ly, adv. -- Be*sot"ted*ness, n.


n. The state or quality of being besotted, infatuation, intellectual or moral blindness

Usage examples of "besottedness".

He tramped, begged and stole, lied or threatened as the case might warrant, and drank to besottedness whenever he got the chance.

On another occasion I had helped the Minids outlast a siege of giant hyenas by reciting a story and obediently shooting one of the besiegers with my besottedness to wholesale ingestion by a leopard.

Imogen, and giggled at the googly-eyed look of utter besottedness on her face, even though I had a horrible suspicion I wore the very same expression.