The realm known as Berudim/Verudim/Olam HaBerudim (World of "Connection/Flecked") is one of the many spiritual worlds (Olamot) described by Kabbalah, as part of the order of development in Creation. Its significance emerges in Lurianic Kabbalah as a part of the process of Tohu and Tikun.
Berudim is the third of three stages to emerge from Adam Kadmon ( Akudim, Nekudim, Berudim). Luria read these from the esoteric meaning of Jacob's breeding of Laban's flocks in Genesis 30:27-43. In Berudim the sephirot manifest as 10 inter-relating lights in 10 vessels, their harmony corresponding to Olam HaTikun (the "World of Rectification"), the archetype of Order in Creation. From Berudim emanates Atziluth (World of "Emanation"), the first of the comprehensive Four spiritual Realms and the origin of the Lower Worlds. In Atziluth, Partzufim complete the Upper rectification, while Below the Jewish people redeem the fallen sparks of the "World of Chaos" through Jewish observance.