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BeRTOS is a real-time operating system designed for embedded systems.

It is distributed under a modified GPL license with a special exception that grants proprietary applications the right to keep their source code closed while maintaining the BeRTOS code itself open.

It has a very modular design, that allows running it on different architectures, ranging from tiny 8-bit microcontrollers like the Atmel AVR up to the 32-bit ARM architecture, and on hosted environments such as Linux and Microsoft Windows.

BeRTOS preemptive multitasking kernel implements many IPC primitives like:

  • Signals
  • Semaphores
  • Messages

In addition to the kernel, BeRTOS provides a hardware abstraction layer that includes large number of peripheral drivers (timer, serial, ADC, motors, LCD display, NTC sensors, keyboard, buzzer, memories), algorithms ( hash table, CRC, MD2, entropy pool, RLE), communication protocols and a graphic windowing subsystem for small displays.