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a. (context organic chemistry English) of a ring compound, especially a heterocycle, which also has a fused benzene ring n. 1 (context organic chemistry English) A divalent radical formed by the removal of two adjacent hydrogen atoms from a benzene ring 2 (context organic chemistry English) Sometimes used in place of the phenyl group 3 (cx informal English) A benzodiazepine.

Benzo (disambiguation)

Benzo may refer to:

  • Shorthand notation for Benzodiazepine
  • A chemical Functional group, by which an extra aromatic ring is added to an already ansaturated or aromatic compound.

Usage examples of "benzo".

Gambine, Dinitroso-resorcine, Alizarine Green, Brilliant Green, Malachite Green, Azo Green, Fast Green, Naphthol Green, Acid Green, Diamine Green, Benzo Green almost exhaust the list.

The reds, as a rule, are affected by acids, and, therefore, it is not possible to use an acid bath with Benzopurpurine, Congo red, with the possible exception of the Titan reds and scarlets, Diamine scarlet, Benzo fast scarlet, Purpuramine, which are faster to acetic acid than the other reds of this class of dye-stuffs.

Benzopurpurine and Diamine Red are more or less affected by acids, but the Titan Red and some of the more modern reds, Diamine Brilliant Scarlet, Benzo Fast Scarlets, are all fast to acids.

The fastness to washing and light of some of them, Benzo Fast Red, Diamine Fast Red F, Titan Red, is much increased by adding, after the wool has been dyed, 3 per cent.

It is very largely used on underwear goods, but is not so satisfactory for this as the Titan Scarlet C B, or Benzo Fast Scarlet B S.