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The Collaborative International Dictionary

n. (context organic compound English) The aromatic diamine ''4,4'-diaminobiphenyl'' that is used in testing for cyanide, and for traces of blood


Benzidine ( trivial name), also called 1,1'- biphenyl-4,4'-diamine ( systematic name), is an organic compound with the formula (CHNH). It is an aromatic amine. It is a component of a test for cyanide. Related derivatives are used in the production of dyes. Benzidine has been linked to bladder and pancreatic cancer.

Usage examples of "benzidine".

Granado got a positive benzidine reaction, indicating blood, but a negative Ouchterlony, indicating it was animal, not human.

And when Joe Granado applied the benzidine test to the clothing, the results were uniformly negative.

Many of the spots on the clothing the TV crew had found gave a positive benzidine reaction, indicating blood, but Granado was unable to determine whether it was animal or human.

Kanarek, in his cross-examination of Dolan, tried to imply that in using benzidine to test for blood, Granado could have destroyed some of the prints at the LaBianca residence.