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benevolent dictatorship

n. A dictatorship in which the leader has power only because the people choose to allow them to remain. This necessitates a wise use of power and generally prevents abuses since the benevolent dictator loses power if they are unsuitable.

Benevolent dictatorship

A benevolent dictatorship is a theoretical form of government in which an authoritarian leader exercises absolute political power over the state but is seen to do so for the benefit of the population as a whole. A benevolent dictator may allow for some economic liberalization or democratic decision-making to exist, such as through public referenda or elected representatives with limited power. It might be seen as a republican form of enlightened despotism.

The label has been applied to leaders such as Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ( Turkey), Josip Broz Tito ( Yugoslavia), Lee Kuan Yew ( Singapore), Abdullah II of Jordan, Paul Kagame ( Rwanda), and Qaboos bin Said al Said ( Oman).

Usage examples of "benevolent dictatorship".

But almost all of the colonists, including the New Quakers and Gail's ecologically minded family and Faisal's benevolent dictatorship and the Chinese group, were peaceful people, not inclined to crime.

He finished on a high note, in one foul swoop, telling the Skidians exactly what they wanted to hear and in the process ensuring that the Skid of the future would be the same vulnerable, conservative stunted benevolent dictatorship it had always been, simply existing to ensure the survival of the species not it's continued development.

His benevolent dictatorship started as a police state and escalated into a global bloodbath.

It was run his way, which amounted to a none too benevolent dictatorship.

Furthermore, since such an orientation would lead to the development of a benevolent dictatorship of the mentally best--virtually a higher subdivision of Man--it would be resented and could not be stable without the application of a force which would depress the rest of Mankind to brute level.

So Ben settled early on for working toward the establishment of a benevolent dictatorship (still didn't sound too good when he said it, but it remained the best description he could come up with).

Furthermore, since such an orientation would lead to the development of a benevolent dictatorship of the mentally best virtually a higher subdivision of Man it would be resented and could not be stable without the application of a force which would depress the rest of Mankind to brute level.

Furthermore, since such an orientation would lead to the development of a benevolent dictatorship of the mentally best –.

They were running the place as a fairly benevolent dictatorship until our ship arrived and told them that despite everything, they had lost the war.

He toppled seven unpleasant Latin American governments and replaced them with six Social Democracies and a Benevolent Dictatorship.

Who was it that said a benevolent dictatorship would be the best form of government?

It was a benevolent dictatorship of a kind never seen before or since.