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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Beneficiate \Ben`e*fi"ci*ate\, v. t. [Sp. beneficiar to benefit, to work mines.] (Mining) To reduce (ores). -- Ben`e*fi`ci*a"tion (?), n.


n. The reduction in size of particles of ore before further processing.


n. crushing and separating ore into valuable substances or waste by any of a variety of techniques [syn: mineral extraction, mineral processing, mineral dressing, ore processing, ore dressing]


In the mining industry beneficiation or benefication in extractive metallurgy, is any process that improves (benefits) the economic value of the ore by removing the gangue minerals, which results in a higher grade product ( concentrate) and a waste stream ( tailings). Exemplary beneficiation processes are froth flotation and gravity separation.

Other economic uses of the term are in use. For example, in the diamond industry, the beneficiation imperative argues that cutting and polishing (processes within the diamond value chain) should be conducted in-country to maximise the local economic contribution.

Usage examples of "beneficiation".

But as soon as the beneficiation and reduction processors for the regolith were in place, we -were able to expand significantly, using the dust and by-products of reduction as our radiation shield.

But as soon as the beneficiation and reduction processors for the regolith were in place, we were able to expand significantly, using the dust and by-products of reduction as our radiation shield.

Even beneficiation—concentrating ungraded material into higher-quality ore—was difficult, as they couldn’t use traditional methods like froth flotation and gravity concentration.

An old friend of his from the days at MME was now overseeing the Beneficiation and Extraction Department and let him take a slightly illicit shortcut and hitch a ride on a conveyor belt that was supposed to be carrying pulverized material to the oxygen-extraction plant, allowing Rafik to arrive at Delszaki Li's quarters shortly after docking and a good ten minutes before he was expected there.