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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Beneficiary \Ben`e*fi"ci*a*ry\, n.; pl. Beneficiaries.

  1. A feudatory or vassal; hence, one who holds a benefice and uses its proceeds.

  2. One who receives anything as a gift; one who receives a benefit or advantage; esp. one who receives help or income from an educational fund or a trust estate.

    The rich men will be offering sacrifice to their Deity whose beneficiaries they are.
    --Jer. Taylor.


n. (plural of beneficiary English)

Usage examples of "beneficiaries".

In general, the damages awarded to the legal beneficiaries in the death of a child are based on his earnings, services and contributions at the time, and more problematically on the loss of whatever prospective economic benefits he might have been expected to provide had his life not been cut short.

My God, do we need you to tell us we're the beneficiaries of course we're the beneficiaries!

It's a simple estate it's a perfectly simple will, we're the joint beneficiaries we always took that for granted didn't we?

But I thought it was already probated, I mean why in God's name would we contest it if we're the sole beneficiaries, equal shares and per stirpes and the rest of that nonsense?

However unpleasant he found the Armitages, they were the sole beneficiaries of his late friend's will.

And to my executor I direct that should any of these wishes not be fulfilled, or any impediment be placed before the arrangements by my beneficiaries, then shall all that has gone before be null and void, and I direct that then my entire estate be bequeathed to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

It is a theory that divorces the concept of "good" from beneficiaries, and the concept of "value" from valuer and purpose— claiming that the good is good in, by, and of itself.

If he believes that the beneficiaries of such actions are irrelevant (or interchangeable), he will regard wholesale slaughter as his moral duty in the service of a "higher" good.

She said slowly, "In the past the heavyworlders appear to have been the chief beneficiaries of this sort of piracy.

Clearly the sorcerer of the Thieves’ Guild was more feared than loved by his chief employer and by the beneficiaries of his skills.

There are a number of beneficiaries mentioned in his will, but none of them can receive any money until a certain mystery is cleared up.

All expenses are to be paid from the corpus of my estate, and no monies are to be awarded to my beneficiaries until the Aztec warrior's property is returned to him.

I've questioned each of the beneficiaries and other people who knew Mr Moore, but none of them can offer a solution.

He's a cousin of Mr Moore and one of the beneficiaries named in his will.

Darrel Feight's death was decreed not a crime and the squabbling of his beneficiaries was, thankfully outside her investigation.