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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bemoan \Be*moan"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bemoaned; p. pr. & vb. n. Bemoaning.] [OE. bimenen, AS. bem?nan; pref. be- + m?nan to moan. See Moan.] To express deep grief for by moaning; to express sorrow for; to lament; to bewail; to pity or sympathize with.

Implores their pity, and his pain bemoans.

Syn: See Deplore.


n. The act of one who bemoans something. vb. (present participle of bemoan English)

Usage examples of "bemoaning".

Marius among the ruins of Carthage, was waiting for the two lodgers that yet remained to her, and bemoaning her lot with the sympathetic Sylvie.

They had worked together for many years and were good friends, but when they started bouncing insults off each other, scoring points, bemoaning, arguing, philosophising and regaling anyone within earshot with anecdotes and opinions, nothing could be done.

I was pushed into a line with the other spirits, who were again bemoaning their fate in a low sob.

Ellie, newly an orphan, was leaning her head on a table, bemoaning her poverty and explaining to the audience all the prequel plot about being left the Matchless Mine.

Had it not dangled this house before his eyes, pointing out that it was a place he would never be able to acquire through his own initiative, bemoaning as an excuse that, coming from the lower end of the working class, he could see no way of ever attaining such a place as Bramble House and perhaps inheriting a car business like the Funnells, unless it be through marriage?

Betty started to write on retirement from nursing, incited by a lady in a library bemoaning the lack of romantic novels.