n. 1 (context US English) A highway that loops around the perimeter of a major city. 2 One of the loops of fabric ringing the waist of a pair of pants, used to hold the belt in place.
Usage examples of "belt loop".
He pulls a ballistic nylon traveler's wallet out of his trousers and lets it dangle from his belt loop so that the skin underneath it can breathe.
She let the hatchet slip back into its belt loop and half-helped, half-dragged the procurator onto the catcher boat's rail.
He slipped the haft of his axe through the belt loop and raised his voice.
Perrin looked abashed, and slipped his axe back into the heavy belt loop as if he thought no one might notice.
Next, he drew his hand axe from its belt loop and, using the enchanted dagger, began to whittle the wooden butt into a sharp stake.
She fumbled her beamer out of its belt loop, set it on low, and turned it on.