Crossword clues for belo
Jean Bélony Murat (born 29 October 1979, Port-au-Prince, Haiti) known by his stage name BélO, who is a Haitian composer and guitarist. His first album Lakou trankil (Quiet Streets) is treasured by Haitians because the songs explain and reflect the problems the country faces. Bélo is popular in Europe and Africa where he won the Discovery RFI Prime in April 2006. This award had already helped other artists like Tiken Jah Fakoly and Rokia Traoré to reveal their talent in the music industry. Bélo's musical approach is influenced by other Caribbean styles but mostly by reggae and jazz.
Usage examples of "belo".
Uma onda de ternura diferente, nova e um encantador prazer me invadiram, percebendo Tatziu agora ainda mais belo e mais homem.
Ainda sob o efeito daquele estranho e belo sonho, eu pensava essas coisas, vendo da janela o clarear do dia.
Tinha uns vinte anos, um belo sorriso e os cabelos castanho-claros e longos.
Levei um belo esporro, depois ela quis saber se eu tinha usado camisinha.
The guerrilla underground proclaimed its provisional government from the liberated city of Belo Horizonte.
The sound of talk and laughter had begun to lessen in the hall belo now an occasional snore was beginning to echo up the ir.
Panama and thence borne over the isthmus by mule-train to Porto Belo, where it is loaded on treasure-galleons for the passage back to Spain.
According to the Hammond Atlas, in Brazil it is found northeast of Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte.
There are memories, stories Old Belos told his son Waldemar, which he in turn passed down to me.
Now I never knew Belos, who was dead before Waldemar passed on his egg to me, but I do know that if he had not been so badly treated then I would now be one of the Wamphyri in my rightful place - in the source world!
For that reason, and despite the years flown in between, Belos is worth avenging.
Now listen: this is what Old Belos told my father, which he in turn told me.
This was the spot where Old Belos of the Wamphyri first entered our world.
The Belos is so important that the Government may pass a special case law to force Ogtate to tell.
Earth had a monopoly upon the Belos, it would easily win, for the Priami would not be able to penetrate our power fields.