n. (bell tower English)
Usage examples of "bell towers".
The huge cement bases for the two steeples, or bell towers, would have to go, as would the supports being built for the heavy dome.
We were at anchor in a port, and a city of dark blue-black buildings with domed roofs and bell towers tumbled down the cliffs to the harbor where the torches turned beneath the ornamented arches of an arcade.
The church that had once housed it was displayed in a little black-and-white photograph, inset: an elegant building with twisted bell towers.
No sooner had we settled than the heavens pealed in a cacophony of bells to sink the small isle, for it seemed that all of Paris was made up of bell towers ringing the hours of prayer.
At first, all he could see were roofs and upper floors, topped by bell towers, cupolas, oriental battlements, fancifully colored domes, and the lace-like stone facades that gave the city her Eastern cast.
From the roadway (had anyone been standing there) the fortresslike building's silhouette against the jewel-strewn indigo of the vaulted sky was not unlike that of some ancient Crusader castle, its bell towers rearing up like horns on the head of a creature risen from the deep.