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bell shape

n. the shape of a bell [syn: bell, campana]

Usage examples of "bell shape".

When he came close, his mouth assumed the bell shape, and he began to cough violently.

And that when they do, they won't capture your eagles, perhaps you, Podarge, and will place the bell shape over your heads, and empty your brains of your thoughts and memory, uncoil you into death, and then possess your brains and bodies for their use?

Patiently, Heller drew a vertical line roughly up from the 28 and the 50 at the bottom so they crossed the bell shape.

Sheriam reappeared inside, her head sticking up from a dark metal bell shape.

There: a thin shell of char, a bell shape not unlike the fire-spitting nostrils at the CARM’.

There: a thin shell of char, a bell shape not unlike the fire-spitting nostrils at the CARM's aft end.