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bell ringing
  1. n. the sound of someone playing a set of bells

  2. persuasion of voters in a political campaign [syn: electioneering, canvassing]

  3. playing a set of bells that are (usually) hung in a tower [syn: carillon, carillon playing]

Usage examples of "bell ringing".

There came the sudden strident clamour of an alarm bell ringing in the passage outside, Schaffer leapt forward, his Schmeisser swinging, and the operator staggered back against his transceiver then slid unconscious to the floor.

He blocked out all other distractions, the sound of planks being dragged across dirt, boots scraping on steps and ladders as men climbed into position along the walls, the sobs of Blessing, a bell ringing in the town&hellip.

How long she stayed there she could not have said, but after a time she heard a bell ringing, far off across the city.