Beliaghata, also known as Beleghata, is one of the prominent part of Kolkata, formerly known as Calcutta. Subhas Sarovar is one of the famous tourist attraction of Kolkata present in the locality of Beliaghata.
Beliaghata overall is a highly populated locality due to its residing poor to lower-middle-class people of the Kolkataian society. Low height house are the main cause of reduction for space of roads. Beliaghata is well connected by Beliaghata Main Road which is the only road suitable for proper transportation. Through Beliaghata, goes a Canal;at the side of which the Canal Side Road named as Chaulpatty Road help vehicles to move around through the densely populated Beliaghata. Mostly pedestrians can pass through the narrow roads of Beliaghata. Hem Chandra Naskar Road (C.I.T. Road) from CIT More and Raja Rajendra Lal Mitra Road from Alochhaya Cinema crossing connects Beleghata to Airport via VIP road.
Few AC buses ply on the Beliaghata Main Road, which is one of city's majority connector. It connects Eastern Metropolitan Bypass to Central Kolkata. Eastern Metropolitan Bypass, in short EM Bypass being the highway of Kolkata. Beliaghata Main Road is congested with Non-AC buses which ply from several parts of the city. Passengers face major problem which is delay in transport as most north boarding and south boarding buses have to ply through the congested Beliaghata Main Road.
However, Beliaghata have Police Station in CIT More near Subhas Sarovar and this Police Station is in control of a huge area. Traffic being the main problem here, police are working hard to make smooth flow of vehicles. Belighata has 4 major crossing points one is CIT More, second lies between CIT More and Sealdah i.e. Alochhaya Cinema bus stop and third crossing over the Beleghata Canal (Khalpol) and the fourth itself in Sealdah which the major in city national railway station.