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n. (plural of belemnite English)


Belemnites may refer to:

  • Belemnitida, an extinct order of cephalopods commonly known as "belemnites"
  • Belemnites (genus), a belemnite genus from the Early Jurassic
Belemnites (genus)

Belemnites is a genus of an extinct group of cephalopods belonging to the order Belemnitida. These cephalopods existed in the Early Jurassic period from the Hettangian age (196.5–199.6 mya) to the Toarcian age (175.6–183.0). They were fast-moving nektonic carnivores.

Be careful not to confuse the scientific name Belemnites of this genus with the common name of the cephalopods included in the extinct order Belemnitida (commonly referred to as "Belemnites").

Usage examples of "belemnites".

You must make a vast variety of invertebrates, to start with -- belemnites, trilobites, Jebusites, Amalekites, and that sort of fry, and put them to soak in a primary sea, and wait and see what will happen.

He had search diligently and come up with only two shells, both belemnites.

The belemnites had given way to their squidlike cousins-but the geological period in which belemnites had existed in the absence of ammonites was restricted.

There were also the relatives of the cephalopods: the belemnites, and the nautiloids and ammonites.

The belemnites were cigar-shaped shells completely surrounded by flesh, almost like little manta rays with backbones fused.

Those sea reptiles that fed on fish or belemnites might endure, such as the particular ichthyosaur we encountered, but not those specializing in ammonites.

The belemnites had given way to their squidlike cousins—but the geological period in which belemnites had existed in the absence of ammonites was restricted.

Some will be a disapointment -- the belemnites, the Ammonites and such.

Owen had been at that meeting, but failed to mention this when he presented a report of his own to the Royal Society—in which, not incidentally, he rechristened the creature Belemnites owenii in his own honor.

When you first come to the country, landing at Mombasa, you will see, amongst the old light-grey Baobab-trees, — which look not like any earthly kind of vegetation but like porous fossilizations, gigantic belemnites, — grey stone ruins of houses, minarets and wells.

In the sea, the ammonites all died out, as did the other shelled forms like belemnites, unrolled ammonites, but the nautilus came through, as did the cuttlefish, squids, and octopuses.