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Béké or beke is a Antillean Creole term to describe a descendant of the early European, usually French, settlers in the French Antilles.

Beke (surname)

Beke is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:

  • Anton Beke (born 1966), British ballroom dancer
  • Charles Tilstone Beke (1800–1874), English explorer
  • Rutger Beke (born 1977), Belgian triathlete
  • Wouter Beke (born 1974), Belgian politician
  • Zoltán Beke (born 1911), Romanian footballer
Beke (Lippe)

Beke (Lippe) is a river of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

Usage examples of "beke".

Angelique waited outside the prison with a crowd of mulattoes and bekes who had come to watch the executions, and she tried to quell the panic in her breast.

Hij werd door de indianen die hij wilde bekeren gevreesd vanwege zijn toverkunsten, bespot en veracht vanwege zijn mildheid, meerdere keren in elkaar geslagen, zijn vingers afgesneden met grote schelpen.