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vb. (context archaic English) (en-third-person singular of: behove)

Usage examples of "behoveth".

Therefore behoveth him a full long spoon, That shall eat with a fiend.

Yet, natheless, behoveth needfully That thing to come be purvey'd truely.

But this too it behoveth to tell, That these masterful men of the cities of the Markmen know full well: And they wot of the well-grassed meadows, and the acres of the Mark, And our life amidst of the wild-wood like a candle in the dark.

So now by day and by night-tide it behoveth us to wend And wind the reel of battle and weave its web to end.

Now sith thou hast conjured me so, said the knight, this shield behoveth unto no man but unto Galahad.

Now behoveth thee to go to the Maimed King as soon as thou mayest, for he shall receive by thee health which he hath abiden so long.

And then he said: Take your rest, and look that ye be up betimes and make you ready and your lady, for ye shall want no thing that you behoveth.

And therefore behoveth bym to be wyse and well advysed, for some tyme arte, craft and engyne is more worththan strengtbe or hardynes .

Wherefore it behoveth to defend us by the ready hand and the bold heart and the wise head.

O f not troubling ourselves about outward things "My Son, in many things it behoveth thee to be ignorant, and to esteem thyself as one dead upon the earth, and as one to whom the whole world is crucified.

It behoveth him who loveth to embrace willingly all hard and bitter things for the Beloved's sake, and not to be drawn away from Him because of any contrary accidents.

O f a religious life It behoveth thee to learn to mortify thyself in many things, if thou wilt live in amity and concord with other men.