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vb. (en-past of: behove)

Usage examples of "behoved".

It behoved him to do what in him lay to cover his brother's memory from the obloquy which it deserved.

But when the work was cut out, when the pace began to be sharp, when it behoved a man either to ride or visibly to decline to ride, then--so at least said they who had not the De Courcy interest quite closely at heart--then, in those heart-stirring moments, the Honourable John was too often found deficient.

She was painfully, fearfully, anxious for that husband of hers, whom she honoured and worshipped, as it behoved her to do, above all other men.

It behoved him to be a good deal at Barchester, canvassing the electors and undermining, by Mr Nearthewinde's aid, the mines for blowing him out of his seat, which were daily being contrived by Mr Closerstil, on behalf of Sir Roger.

He knew that he had made her a formal offer for her hand, and that it behoved him to keep to it, let the charms of Miss Dunstable be what they might.

Though all their flirtations had been carried on on both sides palpably by way of fun, though Frank had told himself ten times a day that his heart was true to Mary Thorne, yet he had an undefined feeling that it behoved Miss Dunstable to be a little in love with him.

She, too, had some inner perception of that dread destiny by which it behoved Frank Gresham to be forewarned.

It behoved her, therefore, to put them forward in such a way that they must be noticed.

He had not, however, as yet ferreted out the squire, or given a bit of his mind to Mr Gazebee, and it behoved him to do this before he took himself off to his own country mansion.

She would have it, that as she had married a poor man--Mr Gazebee, however, was not a poor man--it behoved her to manage her house with great care.

If he could not do it, and if, nevertheless, it behoved them to break off this match, by whom was it to be done if not by her?

The epistle was posted on a Friday afternoon, and it behoved the baker's wife to send it into Silverbridge--Silverbridge being the post-town--so that all due formalities, as ordered by the Queen's Government, might there be perfected.

And then Mr Gazebee came down from town, with an intimation that it behoved the squire himself to go up that he might see certain learned pundits, and be badgered in his own person at various dingy, dismal chambers in Lincoln's Inn Fields, the Temple, and Gray's Inn Lane.

Then opened He their understandings that they might understand the Scriptures, and said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

Therefore the father, holding fast from the first the promise which behoved to be fulfilled through this son whom God had ordered him to slay, did not doubt that he whom he once thought it hopeless he should ever receive would be restored to him when he had offered him up.