Crossword clues for beholding
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Behold \Be*hold"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Beheld(p. p. formerly Beholden, now used only as a p.
); p. pr. & v
n. Beholding.] [OE. bihalden, biholden, AS. behealdan to hold, have in sight; pref. be- + healdan to hold, keep; akin to G. behalten to hold, keep. See Hold.] To have in sight; to see clearly; to look at; to regard with the eyes.
When he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.
--Num. xxi. 9.Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
--John. i. 29.Syn: To scan; gaze; regard; descry; view; discern.
Beholding \Be*hold"ing\, n.
The act of seeing; sight; also, that which is beheld.
Beholding \Be*hold"ing\, a. Obliged; beholden. [Obs.]
I was much bound and beholding to the right reverend
So much hath Oxford been beholding to her nephews, or
sister's children.
(obsolete form of beholden English) n. The act by which something is beheld. v
(present participle of behold English)
n. perception by means of the eyes [syn: visual perception, seeing]
Usage examples of "beholding".
Consequently, if the sinner sins by receiving the sacrament, it seems that he would sin by beholding it, which is manifestly untrue, since the Church exposes this sacrament to be seen and adored by all.
From this one can learn how they who are so ready to believe God, even without beholding signs, are blessed in comparison with them who do not believe except they see the like.
I pray thee, ere thou convince gay attire of inward folly, lest beholding thee we misdoubt thy precept--or thy wisdom.
It is most true that until now, sitting before Eshgrar Ogo, it hath been present to my heart how great an advantage we held against the Demons, and the glory of their defence, so little a strength against us so many, and the great glory of their flinging of us back, these things were a splendour to my soul beholding them.
It seemed to him that the power of flight was upon him, and that he flew to that mountain and hung in air beholding it near at hand, and a circle as the appearance of fire round about it, and on the summit of the mountain the likeness of a burg or citadel of brass that was green with eld and surface-battered by the frosts and winds of ages.
So sat she awhile looking on golden Krothering, while her horse grazed quietly, and Heming at her elbow held his peace, only beholding her.
It was as if spring laughed for joy beholding in him one that was her own child, clothed to outward view with so much loveliness and grace, but full besides to the eyes and finger-tips with fire and vital sap, like her own buds bursting in the Brankdale coppices.
But then he searched his memory, and there was a shock of recognition, like suddenly beholding the face of a friend who has returned from the wounds and scars of old age into an untouched and marvellous youth.
Like an itinerant historian first beholding the rings of Qallar, he gaped in astonishment at the colours of a fayway space, at the sparkling lights and the lovely, fractalling complexity.
Immediately upon beholding its brilliant colours, he wanted to meet the creators of the rainbow star system so he took his ship down to the surface of one of the ringworlds to honour these people for their prowess and craftsmanship.
That the Narain preferred such simulated sunsets over beholding the world directly troubled Danlo.
Isas Lel, however, had his eyes fixed on Danlo with all the trepidation of a man beholding a Scutari alien for the first time.
He might only be dreaming or scrying, beholding colours and contours of a reality that might never come to be.
And the magician, beholding how his art was scorned and set at small account, once again by his enchantments covered the places that had been whitened with snow, even with a palpable cloud of thick darkness.
And the people which had hitherto sat in darkness, now beholding the great light, proclaimed their thanks and their praises, and magnified Patrick, who was the preacher of the Eternal Light.