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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Behindhand \Be*hind"hand`\, adv. & a. [Behind + hand.]

  1. In arrears financially; in a state where expenditures have exceeded the receipt of funds.

  2. In a state of backwardness, in respect to what is seasonable or appropriate, or as to what should have been accomplished; not equally forward with some other person or thing; dilatory; backward; late; tardy; as, behindhand in studies or in work.

    In this also [dress] the country are very much behindhand.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1520s, from behind + -hand, probably on model of beforehand.


a. 1 late, tardy, overdue. 2 in debt, or in arrears adv. 1 belatedly, tardily 2 in debt, or in arrears

  1. adj. behind schedule; "was behindhand with the rent"

  2. adv. in debt; "he fell behind with his mortgage payments"; "a month behind in the rent"; "a company that has been run behindhand for years"; "in arrears with their utility bills" [syn: behind, in arrears]

Usage examples of "behindhand".

They treated us like wild beasts in a menagerie, and the officers and soldiers set the example while the women and children were not behindhand with abuse, and made threatening gestures.

But through this he got behindhand with his school work and his bad reports, which had to be initialed by his father, were kept back until the last day of the holidays.

I have noted in you, my Liberalis, and as it were touched with my hand a feeling of fussy anxiety not to be behindhand in doing what is your duty.

The Irish parliament was not behindhand with the common-council in exhibiting sympathy for the cause of the Americans.

They treated us like wild beasts in a menagerie, and the officers and soldiers set the example while the women and children were not behindhand with abuse, and made threatening gestures.

When nature has made us ripe for love, it seldom occurs that the Fates are behindhand in furnishing a temple for the flame.

Absently, Nylan corked the water bottle, bent and set it on the dusty ground that had been a meadow, and pushed his senses to the south, well behindhand beyond the white and red blotches that represented the slow-advancing Cyadoran forces.

Harry went continually behindhand, and at length was forc'd to sell his types and return to his country work in Pensilvania.