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n. (plural of behaviourist English)

Usage examples of "behaviourists".

Well, it looks as if some of our behaviourists are going to have to go back to school and start learning their A.

I think that what has permanent value in the outlook of the behaviourists is the feeling that physics is the most fundamental science at present in existence.

It has seemed to the behaviourists that similar methods can be applied to human behaviour, without assuming anything not open to external observation.

So far, there is nothing particularly repugnant to our prejudices in the conclusions of the behaviourists.

The behaviourists have challenged introspection even more vigorously than Knight Dunlap, and have gone so far as to deny the existence of images.

I do not myself believe that the analysis of knowledge can be effected entirely by means of purely external observation, such as behaviourists employ.

It is clearly essential to the interest of this theory that the thought or rule alluded to by Buhler should not need to be expressed in words, for if it is expressed in words it is immediately capable of being dealt with on the lines with which the behaviourists have familiarized us.

And it is the privacy of introspective data which causes much of the behaviourists' objection to them.

Character would greatly depend on upbringing and, whatever Pavlov and the Behaviourists might say, to a certain extent on the character of the parents.