n. (obsolete spelling of behalf English)
Usage examples of "behalfe".
I durst not venture to sollicite in Monsr Roux Marsilly's behalfe because I doe not know whether the King my Master hath imployed him or noe.
The Spanish Resident was very earnest with mee to have done something in behalfe of Marsilly, but I positively refused.
Thus goe they both together to their geare,With like fierce minds, but meanings different:For the proud Souldan with presumpteous cheare,And countenance sublime and insolent,Sought onely slaughter and auengement:But the braue Prince for honour and for right,Gainst tortious powre and lawlesse regiment,In the behalfe of wronged weake did fight:More in his causes truth he trusted then in might.
But that it may appeare to all men yt we are not lovers of our selves only, but desire also ye good & inriching of our freinds who have adventured your moneys with our persons, we have added our last article to ye rest, promising you againe by leters in ye behalfe of the whole company, that if large profits should not arise within ye 7.
I have besought my lady's sapience On thy behalfe, to accept in game Thine inability.
But yet thus much I conceiue of them, that I must euen giue vp what my conscience doth find in the behalfe of shepeheards.