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The Collaborative International Dictionary

begrudging \begrudging\ adj. being given reluctantly or with displeasure.

Syn: envious, grudging.

  1. 1 envious 2 reluctant v

  2. (present participle of begrudge English)

Usage examples of "begrudging".

Patrick interviews him with a kind of begrudging civility, NCO to corporal, and it transpires that he's a third-year Politics student from Rochdale called Colin Pagett.

The first of these, virginity, went out the window two weeks before I left Southend, thanks to a drunken and begrudging fumble up against a wheely-bin, round the back of Littlewoods, courtesy of Karen Armstrong.

Gingerly he went to the staircase and, after ten seconds of indecision, descended, begrudging every step which took him farther from the surface.

Zap 210, on her part, treated Reith with suspicion, as if begrudging even the intimacy of conversation: a skittishness and prim reserve peculiar in a person who, to the best of his knowledge, had not even a distorted understanding of ordinary sexual processes.

He's begrudging himself sleep more and more because you're begrudging yourself sleep.