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beg the question

vb. 1 (context philosophy logic law English) To engage in the logical fallacy of begging the question (petitio principii). 2 To sidestep or fail to address a question. 3 To raise or prompt a question.

Beg the Question

Beg the Question is a graphic novel by Bob Fingerman. It chronicles the trials and tribulations of Rob, a squeamish freelance cartoonist/pornographer, and Sylvia, a beauty salon manager with loftier aspirations, with a supporting cast featuring Jack, an unhappily celibate literary stalker; Max, a lovesick wannabe Lothario; Matt, the Godzilla-collecting, stripper-dating rich kid in denial; Maddie, Sylvia's lesbian old flame; Elvis, the mordant and very corpulent smut editor; and others.

Beg the Question was nominated for an Ignatz Award and two Eisner Awards.

Usage examples of "beg the question".

Or did that just beg the question by substituting the phrase sense of self for the word self, without really getting any closer to an answer?

He paused to beg the question, then started again so soon as Jeremy began to speak.

I started to say that I hadn't been yelling at him, but then realized that would just beg the question who had I been yelling at then.