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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Befoul \Be*foul"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Befouled; p. pr. & vb. n. Befouling.] [Cf. AS. bef?lan; pref. be- + f?lan to foul. See Foul, a.]

  1. To make foul; to soil.

  2. To entangle or run against so as to impede motion.


vb. (present participle of befoul English)

Usage examples of "befouling".

But almost immediately he asked, "Does your message account for the befouling of the moon?

But almost immediately he asked, “Does your message account for the befouling of the moon?

And you were with them when they set fire and razed to the ground the villages of Mosso, Trivero, Cossila, and Clecchia, and many other localities in the zone of Crepacorio, and many houses of Mortiliano and Quorino, and they burned the church in Trivero after befouling the sacred images, tearing tombstones from the altars, breaking an arm of the statue of the Virgin, looting the chalices and vessels and books, destroying the spire, shattering the bells, seizing all the vessels of the confraternity and the possessions of the priest?

After the 2000 election, the Democrats ran a commercial falsely suggesting that President Bush was befouling our pure drinking water by putting “more” arsenic in it.

His slow progress was like that of a slug, befouling beauty with a monstrous trail.

That pompous ass Fr6mont, who thinks God is his junior partner, has gone and issued a proclamation of emancipation, completely befouling the works and harming the Union cause more than if he lost a dozen battles.

Someone was befouling Apollo's shrine, absently hurling a piece of garbage at it.