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beetle off

v. leave suddenly and as if in a hurry; "The listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas"; "When she started to tell silly stories, I ran out" [syn: run off, run out, bolt, bolt out]

Usage examples of "beetle off".

Abstractedly, TT~lniuth hacked the beetle off and turned it upward again.

They collided like metal wasps, Kevin trying to use surprise and his momentum to tear the beetle off and hurl it away.

Three or four hours later, however, when she yanked the beetle off its thread and popped it into her mouth like a bonbon, I was flabbergasted.

Without a word Tori reached out, caught him by the wrist just as he was about to pluck the stone beetle off Estilo.

With thumb and forefinger, Daniel picked the beetle off the corpse's tongue.