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beer cans

n. (beer can English)

Usage examples of "beer cans".

It was low tide, dead ebb, the time when the sea washes back, leaving slick mudflats covered with straggled weed, rusty beer cans, rotted prophylactics, broken bottles, smashed buoys, and greenmossed skeletons in tattered bathing trunks.

And when Hugo did, he understood what his son was complaining about, for the roads were littered with empty beer cans and soda bottles.

From what I've noticed, most of our people think that the primary function of a knife is to open beer cans.

If this is true, then it is definitely time to call Billy the Geek and get something like ten cases of 66 proof Sloat Ale down on Carter, and forget those three empty beer cans.

For a moment he feels at one with the down-and-outs who must congregate in the gardens, judging by the debris of cider bottles, British wine bottles and beer cans.

The cyclists threw cherry bombs, swung knives and chains, and threw beer cans at the police.

The ditch was running with snowmelt, littered with filthy newspaper, shreds of tire rubber, and beer cans as empty as the bean can surely would be soon, but the small pilgrims let themselves be swallowed up by it as though it were a glory road.

They pumped their own gas, tossed beer cans back and forth, and rummaged through the racks, looking for fifty-weight motorcycle oil.