Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
beer belly \beer" bel`ly\ n. a protruding potbelly caused by excessive drinking of beer.
Syn: beer gut.
In one of the less surprising revelations of the
year, researchers at the University of North
Carolina (UNC) and colleagues have confirmed that
excessive consumption of beer can lead to the
condition commonly known as beer belly. At the
same time, however, they discovered that, beyond
aesthetic concerns, the condition may point to
health hazards of a more serious nature. In a
comparison of beer drinkers and wine drinkers, the
scientists found that beer tends to build a
central paunch, or ``potbelly'', while wine
drinkers tend to have narrower waists, even when
the same amount of alcohol and calories is
consumed by both.
Scientist --
December 11,
n. Excess fat stored in the abdomen attributed to the consumption of beer.
Usage examples of "beer belly".
Why couldnt he have put on weight, developed a beer belly and worn his pants slung low under it, rather than honing down to such lean muscularity, even more finely tuned than during his football days?
The floor manager had the beer belly and flash clothing that seem always to go with salesmen in the motor industry.
A mess - fly unzipped, crew cut matted down both sides of his head, beard let go for two days, holed skivvy shirt pushed by his beer belly through a few open buttons on his shirt - he pedaled away wobbly for the flophouse.
He still had the muscles, but he had grown a great soft pillow of a beer belly.
It was a bit too tight and had crept up to create a gap above his baggy shorts through which his hairy beer belly protruded.