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n. (plural of beefsteak English)

Usage examples of "beefsteaks".

In fact, my attention was almost wholly absorbed in my dinner: not from ravenous appetite, but from distress at the toughness of the beefsteaks, and the numbness of my hands, almost palsied by their five-hours’ exposure to the bitter wind.

Fitzjohn’s guest to a meeting of the Sublime Society of Beefsteaks at the Lyceum, and had the felicity of seeing there that amazing figure, the Duke of Norfolk, who rolled in looking for all the world like a gross publican, and presided over the dinner in dirty linen and an old blue coat.

She was agreeably surprised to see the beefsteaks and plum pudding, which I had ordered for her.

Perkins Brown is our butcher here in Waterbury, and he often asks me--`Do you take chloride of soda on your beefsteaks?