Etymology 1 n. 1 (context archaic English) a long garment worn in bed 2 a textile cover, usually decorative, for a bed; a counterpane Etymology 2
n. a very small bedroom, usually with bed and decor in matching style.
Usage examples of "bedrobe".
She grabbed her bedrobe, flinging it on even as she dashed past Gwent.
Sionell was about to discard her bedrobe onto a chair in the anteroom when she heard another cry.
Shucking out of her bedrobe and nightdress, she made quick work of buttons and laces and stood before three angled mirrors to judge the effect.
She wore a nightdress with a pale silk bedrobe over it and dark lace over her hair.
Morwenna came downstairs with bedrobe askew, grumbling under her breath about an honest day's work deserving an honest night's slumber.
Kicking back the covers, he rose and shrugged into a thin, pale silk bedrobe.
Morwenna came downstairs with bedrobe askew, grumbling under her breath about an honest day’s work deserving an honest night’s slumber.
An elaborate bedrobe concealed most of her bulk, but her fingers were bare of rings she could no longer slip on, and bracelets around her wrists bit into swollen flesh.
She gave rapid thanks that she was dressed in a lavish bedrobe and her hair was arranged as he liked it.
His gaze ran over the perfect body barely concealed by a yellow silk bedrobe.
His gaze ran over the perfect body barely concealed by axyellow silk bedrobe.
When his bowels were empty, Tyrion slipped on a bedrobe and roughed his thin flaxen hair with his fingers, all the more to look as if he had wakened from sleep.
Tyrion wondered, as he changed into a bedrobe and poured himself some wine.
Missandei stood at her elbow wrapped in a bedrobe, wooden sandals on her feet.
Rohan and Sioned, wrapped in bedrobes and urged along by Jihan, arrived on the upper landing in time to see Meiglan's head lift at the sound of Pol's voice.