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n. (plural of bedouin English)

Usage examples of "bedouins".

The Bedouins had him, and he was shouting curses, squirming, kicking with his good leg.

His wrists were already behind his back and the Bedouins were drawing the hemp in tight knots.

A few Bedouins became conscious of his approach, raised their rifles, then lowered them as Nadi shouted something.

They shouted orders but the entire party was watching the Bedouins who were now moving away, a string of ragged figures on bony beasts, winding into the yellow distance.

It had to be a natural mutationthe Bedouins had no facilities for genetic engineeringand if it bred true, as the foal indicated, the sheik of this desert tribe was about to found a great line.

The Bedouins were wearing pressure suits all the time now, even for brief excursions between tents.

Aziz grumbled as a crowd of grinning Bedouins hooted derisive advice and watched him struggle to get one pair of legs into the suit while another pair popped out.

A few of his staff officers almost certainly spoke English as their second tongue, but the Bedouins, despite their Greater Arabian ancestry, had forgotten it generations ago.

The Bedouins returned the fire, leaning outward from the saddle to avoid shooting their own beasts in the head, and the defending outriders started to tumble from the saddle themselves.

He said you refused to swear allegiance to him, but that you fought bravely with the Bedouins all the same.

Some time afterwards the guide, upon being closely questioned by my servants, confessed that the village which we had left behind was the last that we should see, but he declared that he knew a spot at which we should find an encampment of friendly Bedouins, who would receive me with all hospitality.

I had no idea that the Bedouins on the east of Jordan were accessible.

Nazarene told us, by rascals of a low sort - not real Bedouins, men whom we might frighten into harmlessness, but from whom there was no willing hospitality to be expected.

I concluded from the abject manner of these people that they could not possibly be thoroughbred Bedouins, and I saw, too, that they must be in the very last stage of misery, for poor indeed is the man in these climes who cannot command a pipeful of tobacco.

It is, however, almost too much to expect that so many ministers of peace can assemble without finding some occasion for strife, and in that year a tribe of wild Bedouins became the subject of discord.