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n. (plural of bedgown English)

Usage examples of "bedgowns".

Three blue mantles around them, and three bedgowns with red insertion over them.

Thanys was so surprised she nearly dropped an armful of lace bedgowns.

In opera hats, bedgowns, bonnets, yellow slickers, periwigs, knickers and snoods they paraded under the sun, some of the "women," seen now at closer range, appearing to be men in women's clothing, as though to correct a deficiency and even up the pairings.

The swordmaster and the two novices still stood on the brick steps of the novices' house, talking qui­etly, all three wrapped in bedgowns, though, Caris noticed, the swordmaster had her scabbarded blade still in hand, ready for action.

The swordmaster and the two novices still stood on the brick steps of the novices' house, talking quietly, all three wrapped in bedgowns, though, Caris noticed, the swordmaster had her scabbarded blade still in hand, ready for action.

Datchery accosts his last new acquaintance outside, when the Choir (as much in a hurry to get their bedgowns off, as they were but now to get them on) have scuffled away.