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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bedevil \Be*dev"il\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bedevilled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Bedeviling or Bedevilling.]

  1. To throw into utter disorder and confusion, as if by the agency of evil spirits; to bring under diabolical influence; to torment.

    Bedeviled and used worse than St. Bartholomew.

  2. To spoil; to corrupt.


alt. (context US English) (present participle of bedevil English) vb. (context US English) (present participle of bedevil English)

Usage examples of "bedeviling".

Her nipples were but a scant inch from his mouth, their length as bedeviling as their thickness.

His nostrils flared as his eyes made love to the bedeviling freckles splashed across the tops of her moosoos.

Your foolish brother cannot stand to be separated from his own bedeviling bound servant.

The illusionist was bedeviling Chainer's brethren with the image of a small sea monster and a swarm of stinging faeries.

Fulla was bedeviling Major Teroh with a pair of wolf-headed spiders and was beating Sgt.

It will be interesting to see if the native’s explanation solves any of the topographic puzzles that have been bedeviling them.

Even as her bedeviling tongue stroked his--promising delights without end--he knew it.

What could have been the bold Spartans bedeviling the Persians at Thermopolae appeared at his left and scale model of Stalingrad's tractor factory appeared on his right.

We're present to help get rid of these Engelists that are evidently bedeviling the planet to the point where nothing can be accomplished.

It was interferences akin to this, allowed by the lesser ones who preceded us, that brought about the sorry state of affairs now so bedeviling us.

Navajo legend provided me with the chindi, an evil spirit I could set to bedeviling him.

He saw, with a bedeviling mix of relief and regret, that he was nearly to the top of the stairs.