n. (obsolete spelling of bed English)
Usage examples of "bedde".
To bedde went the daughter right anon, To bedde went Alein, and also John.
She was a primerole, a piggesnie, For any lord to liggen in his bedde, Or yet for any good yemen to wedde.
To bedde went the daughter right anon, To bedde went Alein, and also John.
And then he took a sop in fine clarre, And upright in his bedde then sat he.
The cradle at her beddes feet was set, To rock, and eke to give the child to suck.
Thus labour'd he, till that the day gan daw, And then he took a sop in fine clarre, And upright in his bedde then sat he.
The nyght cam, and to bedde moste she gon With hir housbonde, as ofte is the manere, And pryvely to hym she seyde anon, "O sweete and wel biloved spouse deere, Ther is a conseil, and ye wolde it heere, Which that right fayn I wolde unto yow seye, So that ye swere ye shul me nat biwreye.
And by hir beddes heed she made a mewe, And covered it with veluettes blewe, In signe of trouthe that is in wommen sene.
Bot true vus may schape, I schal bynde yow in your bedde, that be 3e trayst": Al la3ande the lady lanced tho bourde3.
The beuerage wat3 bro3t forth in bourde at that tyme, Thenne thay louelych le3ten leue at the last, Vche burne to his bedde busked bylyue.
My lorde and his lede3 ar on lenthe faren, Other burne3 in her bedde, and my burdez als, The dor drawen and dit with a derf haspe.
Ful thredbare was his overeste courtepy, For he hadde geten hym yet no benefice, Ne was so worldly for to have office, For hym was levere have at his beddes heed Twenty bookes, clad in blak or reed, Of Aristotle and his plilosophie, Than robes riche, or fithele, or gay sautrie.