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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Cower in the bowels of the earth from it, and pull the bedclothes over your head.
▪ She pulled back the bedclothes and heaved Rory back into his usual sitting position.
▪ He pulled back the bedclothes and put the jar underneath them.
▪ Still seething with anger, she pulled the bedclothes around her.
▪ She rolled up her pyjamas and stuffed them under her pillow, before quickly pulling the bedclothes to.
▪ She got up, pulling back the bedclothes and releasing the blinds on both windows.
▪ Abruptly he jumped up and tore away the bedclothes, searching the rug on which he had lain.
▪ Another one put washing on to a line, gaudy bedclothes and sombre shirts.
▪ Cower in the bowels of the earth from it, and pull the bedclothes over your head.
▪ Dolly watched him, bedclothes up to her chin.
▪ He had given him a shave and changed his bedclothes.
▪ Her Uncle lay quite still, eyes closed and breathing so faintly that the bedclothes hardly stirred.
▪ Make a pot of soup or wash bedclothes.
▪ Thought it had slipped down the bedclothes somewhere.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bedclothes \Bed"clothes`\, n. pl. Blankets, sheets, coverlets, etc., for a bed.


n. sheet, blankets, quilts or other coverings used on a bed.


n. coverings that are used on a bed [syn: bed clothing, bedding]

Usage examples of "bedclothes".

He was lying with his arms outside the bedclothes, his arms both connected to drips that hung from stanchions.

The girl immediately inserted herself among the bedclothes and pressed hips against his and shoulder into his armpit.

The bedclothes smelled of mildew, which was no surprise, the way it rained in Paradisio.

As if to make that pleasant office easier, she raised the bedclothes to support herself, and she thus gave me a sight of beauties which intoxicated my eyes, and I protracted the easy operation without her complaining of my being too slow.

The colonists had now warm garments and thick bedclothes, and they could without fear await the approach of the winter of 1866-67.

Her four attendants slept soundly on pallets lined up along the far wall, and Ilona lay naked on her stomach among the tangled bedclothes.

In the meanwhile the mother had got a candle, and I saw the girl with the bedclothes up to her chin, for, like her brother, she was as naked as my hand.

I am sensitive to such things, and sleeping in my workroom, and having to tidy it up and stow away my bedclothes, and then settle down to a long day with my aporetics, gave me a sense of having lost caste, of having come down in the world, which was quite unreasonable but none the less real.

Tag nosed aside the bedclothes and snuggled down beside his master with a sigh of glad content.

The bedclothes had been kicked off during the struggle, and she lay spread out on the mattress like a starfish, in just a white T-shirt and white panties.

I heard the rustling of bedclothes as he got comfortable with the phone in his ear.

She could still smell his familiar scent from the bedclothes, the odor of his face lotion and the stuff he put on his thinning hair.

Her breath was coming in jagged little pants as she writhed and twisted on the tangled bedclothes, her hands clenching and unclenching.

So saying, he threw off all the bedclothes, and fell back with a groan.

And perceiving that the very basis of his faith was endangered, he threw off the bedclothes, and began to pace the room.