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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Becomingly \Be*com"ing*ly\, adv. In a becoming manner.


adv. In a becoming manner.


adv. in a becoming manner; "she was becomingly dressed"

Usage examples of "becomingly".

Many persons think because they daily bathe the face, neck, and hands, dress the hair becomingly and remove the dirt from their clothing that the height of cleanliness has been reached.

So while she claims never to have consciously considered being a decorative note in her own garden, her trained instinct for costuming herself appropriately and becomingly brings about the desirable decorative effect.

She arranged her fine skirts becomingly and stared from overexcited child to suddenly wary thrall.

In regard to the difficulties that confront us at this time, and of which you have seen fit to speak so becomingly and so justly, I can only say I agree with the sentiments expressed.

When he was done she redid through her tears her hair, to look more becomingly ravished, and called on Athene to avenge her.

Paris, where all the inhabitants dress becomingly, and where there are no Communists.

It was a relief when after a second of silence everyone started to talk at once, converging on the Professor as he made his way to where his grandmother sat in state, her injured ankle on a footstool, the grey chiffon draperies arranged becomingly about her small person.

He was becomingly arrayed in a suit of dark brown camlet, with rows of close-set gold buttons running up his hanging sleeves.

Blood expressed his thanks becomingly, betraying no sign that he saw clearly into the true reason of the other's munificence.

So Treasure floated becomingly around James, who read his lines carefully from the idiot boards and concentrated on looking good.