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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Beckon \Beck"on\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Beckoned (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Beckoning.] To make a significant sign to; hence, to summon, as by a motion of the hand.

His distant friends, he beckons near.

It beckons you to go away with it.

  1. That beckons n. Such a wave or similar action v

  2. (present participle of beckon English)

Usage examples of "beckoning".

The captain samurai called out, unmistakably beckoning them to come back.

Mariko was there at the far end beckoning him frantically so he snatched up his weapons and rushed toward her.

Safe for the moment with the lounge between them, Shanna made a comic face at him, but her eyes spoke volumes as they sparkled in coquettish witchery, half challenging, half beckoning him.

Even now, Gaitlier had raised his left arm and was beckoning for a slow turn in that direction.

The image changed and I saw myself sitting with Brynach, and him beckoning me closer.

She drew out the last long syllable, beckoning Vinaver closer with a crooked, yellow claw.

They all turned and looked at him, and Vinaver moved her head weakly on the pillow, beckoning Ethoniel with a feeble wave.

Yes, he was sure he could smell it now, beckoning across the silent night.

But the fragrance was there, faint but unmistakable, beckoning her above.

The seductive fragrance was stronger now, leading her to the wide stone staircase, beckoning her above.

He gasped, and nearly fell back, as the sound came again, and he realized it was singing, it was the sound of many voices singing and he peered over the edge of the boat, and saw many faces now, smiling back at him, beckoning him to join them.

One of the guards whistled sharply, beckoning to her as he touched the handle of his whip.

The ghost-witch, for surely a witch of some kind was what she was, was still beckoning sinuously to us.

My mind was full of thoughts of the land of ghosts, of its sinister spores, its beckoning witches.

We saw him minutes later, looking down and beckoning from one of the narrow parapets from which the rock-apes had jeered at us at twilight.