Becerrillo or Bezerrillo was the name of a Castilian attack dog during the time of the Spanish conquistadores. When Juan Ponce de León was on the island San Juan in 1509, he attacked the Indians. When he now knew where to find some Indians, he went looking for them and fought against them with much courage and bravery. (As they already behaved wonderful with their arms during many battles) They were also a lot supported by a dog they called “Bezerrilo”. This dog did such a slaughter among the Indians that it was remarkable. He knew, as if he was human, to make the difference between the Indians who kept themselves peaceful and those who were in war. So it became that the Indians feared more ten Castilians with Bezerrilo as they feared hundred Castilians without the dog. For this reason they even gave him his share and half of everything that was won as they gave to a shooter; being of gold, slaves or other things, his master received. Many stories were told about this dog.
One of this stories that was told is about once the Castilians decided to present him a very old Indian woman to be devoured. The captain gave her a letter to bring to certain Castilians, not far from there. When this old Indian woman accepted this letter she hurried up. Up to that was the dog released. When the old Indian woman saw that the dog wanted to throw him on her, was she very surprised. Under showing the letter she spoke to the dog in her language and told: My Lord the dog, I go, bring this letter to the Castilians and don’t do any harm to me. With these words she satisfied the dog. He began to smell her. He lifted up his leg and began to piss on her, like other dogs used to do against a wall. So this was for the Castilians a wonder to see.